What is Hacking and Ethical Hacking?


                                     What is Hacking? 


Hacking is always fun for hackers. Every technology is having some loopholes . The hackers are very good as finding those loopholes to test their hacking skill . Mostly hacker are youngsters and so many youths want to learn hacking . Hacking is a skill which is similar to the internet tool or knife . 

I'll define those hackers with malicious intent as "crackers." Hackers can be categorized into the following three buckets:

  1. Hacktivists: Those who hack as a form of political activism.

  2. Hobbyist hackers: Those who hack to learn, for fun or to share with other hobbyists.

  3. Research and security hackers: Those concerned with discovering security vulnerabilities and writing the code fixes.

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                                  Hacking is two types

1) Ethical Hacking (white Hat Hacking)

2) Unethical Hacking ( Black Hat Hacking)

One another type is Grey Hat Hacking.

                        Understanding Ethical hacking   

The Definition of an ethical hacker is very similar to a penetration tester the ethical hacker is an individual who is usually employed with the organization  and who can be trusted to under take an attempt to penetrate networks and /or computer systems using the same methods and techniques as a hacker.

Individuals interested in becoming an ethical hacker can work towards a certification to become a Certified Ethical Hacker, or CEH. This certification is provided by the International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council). The exam itself costs about $500 to take and consists of 125 multiple-choice questions in version 8 of the test (version 7 consisted of 150 multiple-choice questions).

For Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) information visit http://www.eccouncil.org/.

                      What constitutes ethical hacking?

  1. Expressed (often written) permission to probe the network and attempt to identify potential security risks.
  2. You respect the individual's or company's privacy.
  3. You close out your work, not leaving anything open for you or someone else to exploit at a later time.
  4. You let the software developer or hardware manufacturer know of any security vulnerabilities you locate in their software or hardware, if not already known by the company. 

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